MGA Releases Statement About Ongoing Lawsuit with Mattel

MGA Entertainment has responded to a Mattel motion filed last night (Docket #8928) accusing MGA of additional wrongdoing:

“Mattel’s litany of lies in its ‘reply’ reveals the depths to which Mattel and its desperate lawyers will sink in order to deflect attention from MGA’s strong, written by Mattel, evidence discussed in recent hearings before the Court including: (1) Mattel’s how-to manual for sneaking into private showrooms at Toy Fairs, including tips on printing fake business cards and dummying up phony invoices for phony toy retailers and resale tax IDs for these phony retailers; and (2) a letter written by Mattel’s counsel in this same case while investigating MGA’s unfair competition claim that the Court recently stated on the record was sufficient to give rise to an inference that evidence had been deliberately suppressed by Mattel in this case.”

“We look forward to the trial in January 2011, when Mattel and the criminal activities of its executives will finally be exposed for the world to see and for MGA to be compensated for years of wrongs by Mattel.”

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Guest Auther

Guest Auther
