JustPlay.GeoffreyGreenbergThe Toy Book (TTB): How do you use 3-D printing in your research and development? Will you incorporate 3-D printing into your consumer offerings in the future?

Geoffrey Greenberg (GG): We use 3-D printing extensively in our development process. The quick turnarounds enable for faster approvals and the ability to make changes as needed without a long wait. A designer can be much more precise when working with a printed sample, and it helps move the development process along more quickly.

From an innovation perspective, 3-D printing offers a multitude of unique approaches in how we engage consumers in the process. From a development and customization angle, as well as how these products are offered via retail or directly to the consumer, we’ll see how this more accessible form of technology will impact the industry in 2015 and beyond.

TTB: In what new ways are you using social media to correspond directly with consumers?

GG: We try to engage our consumers through a variety of social platforms. It’s a great way to dialogue with our consumers, and we learn so much from that interaction in terms of likes, and even dislikes, about product. We take all of their feedback very seriously and try to incorporate as much as we can into future product. This real-time digital conversation not only empowers consumers to express their opinions and know they’re being heard, but it also enables us to give our consumers exactly what they want and need in a meaningful play experience.

TTB: How have you seen consumer expectations change over the past decade?

GG: What we’re seeing now is almost a hunger for new products at the start of each season, where we see huge spikes in point of sale (POS) as a result of new product introductions. There’s a halo effect across carry-forward items, too, but the importance of new items in pulling consumers back into retail each season is growing.

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Guest Auther

Guest Auther
