The Breast Milk Baby Doll Releases in the U.S.

Berjuan Toys, known for its doll lines, is introducing The Breast Milk Baby Doll to the U.S. The news is being met with a mixture of controversy and endorsements due to the doll’s primary feature that allows young girls to simulate the breast-feeding process.

The Breast Milk Baby Doll comes with a halter-top that girls wear as a vest with flower decorations positioned over where the nipples would be. When the doll’s face is brought near the embedded sensors in the flowers, the baby doll emits a series of soft, suckling sounds and makes motions. According to Dennis Lewis, U.S. representative for Berjuan, the doll has sold millions in Europe.

Those who advocate the doll, praise it for teaching young girls about the importance of natural breastfeeding, which has health benefits for both the infant and the mother. Critics point out that the doll may be over-sexualizing young girls or causing them to grow up too fast.

Initially, The Breast Milk Baby Doll will be available in the U.S. at and other various e-tailers. Berjuan is currently meeting with several specialty retail chains and stores for wider distribution, and will be meeting with companies at the ASD Las Vegas trade show, held July 31 to August 3, for future retail opportunities.

About the author

Erika Graham

Erika Graham

Summer 2011 intern for The Toy Book/Specialty Toys & Gifts
