Travel Back to the Future With Looney Labs’ New Card Game

Looney Labs, creator of card game Fluxx, announced a partnership with Universal Partnerships & Licensing that will yield a new card game based on the Back to the Future franchise. The card game features scenarios from all three Back to the Future movies and has players working to un-invent the time travel.

Players use a quarter of the cards to construct a timeline of movie-related events. From there, players assume the role of the movie’s future descendants as they make sure key events occur. The game is set to release September 3, several weeks before the movie trilogy appears for the first time on Blu-ray in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the first film. The anniversary edition of the films comes out October 26.

About the author

Justin McCraw

Justin McCraw

Summer 2010 intern for The Toy Book/Specialty Toys & Gifts
