Captain McFinn and Friends is a new educational book series designed to promote kindness and friendship for children ages 4-8. Captain McFinn and Friends is comprised of three books in traditional print and e-Book versions, including The Legend of Captain McFinn and Friends, Captain McFinn and Friends Meet Coral Rose, and Captain McFinn and Friends Rock!; an activity book, Captain McFinn and Friends Finn-Tastic Activity and Sticker Book; and a sing-a-long music CD, Captain McFinn and Friends Come Along With The Friend-Ship Band. “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully” is the underlying theme of this book series. Educators agree it is critical to educate kids about anti-bullying when they are young to discourage the negative trend.
The entire Captain McFinn and Friends series is available online at, and at online retailers and The retail prices for the hardcover books are $17.99, and the soft cover books are priced at $9.99. The music CD retails for $9.99, and the activity book costs $5.99.
This fall, Captain McFinn will introduce S.H.A.R.K. (Students Help Achieve Respect and Kindness) Patrol, an anti-bullying educational program for teachers to educate K-3 students how to recognize bullying and protect themselves and others against it. The program offers educators tools for themselves, students, and parents, such as storybooks, complete lesson plans, puppets, sing-a-long CD, posters, stickers, and more. Items will be sold as a complete kit or separately. A portion of the proceeds from Captain McFinn and Friends product sales will benefit the Captain McFinn Foundation, which supports a variety of children’s charities.
This post was originally written by Ali Mierzejewski and published by For more news, visit, follow The Toy Book on Twitter, and like The Toy Book on Facebook. The Toy Book is a bimonthly trade magazine covering the toy industry, published by Adventure Publishing Group.