Family Guy Comic Series Launch

Family Guy, the largest-selling television show in America (nearly 25 million DVD units sold worldwide) will now keep its fans laughing between episodes with the U.S. launch of the Family Guy comic series. The comic series will feature all of the hit characters from the show with outrageous new story lines. Titan Comics will publish the series, and artwork will be provided by comic artists SL Gallant (G.I. Joe, Torchwood), and Anthony Williams (Judge Dredd, Superman, Batman).

Family Guy comic No. 1 will be available on July 27 in specialty comic stories and on newsstands nationwide. Fans anticipating the arrival can follow @FamilyGuyComic on Twitter for the most updated news.

About the author

Erika Graham

Erika Graham

Summer 2011 intern for The Toy Book/Specialty Toys & Gifts
