Geeky Stocking Stuffers for the Nerd in Your Life

GiantMicrobes has designed dozens of creations, from ornaments to collectibles, that make the perfect gift for science buffs, collectors, and those with a good sense of humor. Each GiantMicrobe, which can be the Common Cold or an adorable Amoeba, has an image as well as educational information about what the microbe represents.typhoid-fever

Highlights include:

  • GiantMicrobes Ornament Boxes: Three gift boxes (Tree, Stocking, and Wreath) include five best-selling microbes dressed up for Christmas
  • New GiantMicrobes Originals: Antibody – Antibody will keep the humbugs away from your celebrations
  • New GiantMicrobes Originals: Heart Cell – Get your sweetheart’s pulse pounding this Christmas (makes heartbeat sound when squeezed)
  • New GiantMicrobes Originals: Muscle – Expands and contracts like the real thing
  • New GiantMicrobes Originals:  Tapeworm – The elastic Tapeworm grows and grows
  • New Computer Virus Dolls and Key Chains: Perfect geeky gift for computer nerds, or anyone who’s encountered a computer virus

About the author

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins

Deanna Atkins is the editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. She helps the editorial team on leading trade magazines The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, and contributes online at,, and When she’s not trying to keep up with Toy Insider Mom Laurie Schacht, she can be found reviewing kids’ CDs, DVDs, and books while daydreaming about the upcoming How to Train Your Dragon sequel and reading the dictionary. Follow her on Twitter @Deeeannuh and keep up with her bi-weekly, sometimes funny commentaries on
