Kids’ Media Consumption Up in Australia, Spending Power Rises to $1.8 Billion

CartoonNetworkNewGenerationsAccording to New Generations 2016Cartoon Network’s annual leading research study into children and parents, kids’ media consumption in Australia has increased over the past year, with their total spending power rising to $1.8 billion annually.

TV ads are still the most effective for reaching children, with watching TV remaining the top media consumption activity for kids. In the last month, 92 percent of children watched TV, with most that watch cartoons. The report also highlighted that kids prefer ads that feature comedy and characters, with Captain Risky (Budget Direct) the most liked ad for kids, followed by Unicorn Pooping (Squatty Potty) and McDonald’s.

Three times as many kids find ads on TV funny compared to ads on social media, and twice as many children notice ads on TV compared to social media. That being said, 58 percent of parents surveyed cited TV as the most influential advertising platform for kids.

The report uncovered a 33 percent increase in kids that watch and post videos online and a 7 percent increase in kids’ pocket money, to an average of $556 a year including gift money. Kids are also well connected, with 86 percent jumping online in the past month, up 12 percent.

When it comes to social media, Facebook is still the number one platform for kids, but children spend more time on Snapchat. Almost a third of Snapchat users spend up to an hour and a half on the platform each day, compared to a quarter of Facebook users. The social media usage increases with age, multiplying by five times as children grow between 7 to 9 years old and 13 years old. Parents have the most safety concerns for children with YouTube and Facebook, with kids’ TV channels the most trusted media.

About the author

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik was the Editor-in-Chief of The Toy Book from 2020-2022. She was also a Senior Editor at The Toy Insider and The Pop Insider.
