The first series of Marvel Animated Minimates is scheduled to arrive at Walgreens stores this month, while Series 1.5 is scheduled for a holiday release. Consisting of an all-new assortment of eight Minimates mini-figures, it draws on the worlds of Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spider-Man.
Set for release in December, the Series 1.5 assortment includes the following two-packs:
• From Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man with web line and interchangeable half-raised mask head, accompanied by Agent Coulson with fully removable SHIELD armor.
• From Avengers Assemble, a massive Hulkbuster Iron Man with removable armor and a flip-up helmet, accompanied by evil android Ultron.
• From Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales with web line and interchangeable unmasked head, and Harry Osborne version of Venom with removable parts and interchangeable head.
• From Avengers Assemble, Hawkeye with quiver, bow, and arrows, accompanied by villain character Crossbones.
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