Two New Crib Standards Adopted By CPSC

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approved two revisions regarding cribs to its safety procedures. The revisions, ASTM F1169 for full-sized cribs and ASTM F406 for non full-sized cribs, will be implemented by the end of the year as part of a previous plan.

Added to ASTM F1169 is language addressing entrapment caused by attachments in full-sized cribs, some standards that are currently in place in other juvenile products but not within ASTM F1169, requirements for mattress supports, changes to crib side configuration, and revisions to the vertical mattress impact test.

ASTM F406 eliminates the drop side requirement, but adds requirements outlined in 16CFR1509. The standard also includes a warning related to “items added to the top of play yard,” as well as new requirements addressing movable sides that are outlined in ASTM F1169.

Both ASTM F1169 and ASTM F406 include revisions to slate integrity requirements, language addressing “misassembly issues,” and language addressing non-drop side hardware and wood screws.

To view the original ASTM press release, click here.

About the author

Justin McCraw

Justin McCraw

Summer 2010 intern for The Toy Book/Specialty Toys & Gifts
