Nominations for the 2024 Toy & Game Innovation Excellence Awards (TAGIE) Lifetime Achievement Award are officially open. 

People of Play is looking for nominees with significant experience and accomplishment in the play industry, innovative product or marketing introductions, charitable efforts benefiting kids and their causes, and an unimpeachable record of integrity in the industry. 

Last year’s Lifetime Achievement Honorees include Jill Barad, former CEO and Chairman of Mattel, and Rouben Terzian, the founder of Big Monster Toy. Other past Lifetime Achievement Honorees include Leslie Scott, Kantaro Tomiyama, and Alan Hassenfeld, who were honored in 2022; Tom Kalinske, Michelle Litzky, and the Pressman Family, who were all honored in 2021; Erno Rubik, who was honored in 2020; and Ivan Moscovich who was honored in 2019. 

The 17th annual TAGIE Awards will take place on Friday, Nov. 8, at Joe’s Live in Chicago, Illinois. Nominations are open until June 1, with nominees being announced later in the summer. To submit a member of the industry for nomination, click here.

About the author

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley Pelletier

Ashley is assistant editor for The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book with a Master's in journalism from Quinnipiac University. When she isn’t writing her latest story, she is reading a fantasy novel or rewatching one of her three favorite TV shows over and over again. She’s also a big fan of showing people pictures of her two dogs and cat.
