3Doodler introduces a new product line designed specifically for classroom use. The 3Doodler Learning Packs include 12 3Doodler Start or Create+ pens, 1,200 strands of plastic, a host of other tech accessories, lesson plans, and classroom materials. Smaller six-pen sets will be made available online and at major retail partners.

3Doodler also introduces the EDU Teacher Experience Kit, which offer teachers a taste of the EDU Learning Packs at a smaller cost. Each Teacher Experience Kit features a 3Doodler Start or Create+ pen, a sampler of plastic, abbreviated lesson plans, and classroom materials for a trial run.

In the five years since 3Doodler’s founding, the company’s products have been used in more than 5,000 classrooms and by more than 300,000 students. Donorschoose.org, a crowdfunded educational platform, was also responsible for putting 3Doodler kits in more than 600 middle-and low-income classrooms. 

About the author

Kelly Corbett

Kelly Corbett

Kelly is an editorial assistant at Adventure Publishing Group. When she's not writing/playing/thinking about toys, she's probably spilling coffee on herself, laughing at her own jokes, or doing something awkward somewhere. As a quirky redhead, she one time tricked her friends into thinking she was the new face of Wendy's fast-food franchise as a prank. She's not, but a chili lover can dream right? You can follow her on Twitter @kcorbzz.
