A2 Entertainment will premiere Secret Millionaire’s Club, a new animated series inspired by the teachings of Warren Buffett, at this year’s annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting on May 1. Created in partnership by A2 and AOL, Secret Millionaires Club teaches kids about finance through a series of webisodes, online games, and other activities.
The show tells the story of four kids who save their community center by selling old baseball memorabilia. Little did they know, the memorabilia was worth millions, and after paying off their creditors the kids turn to Buffett (who voices himself in the series) to help them manage their newfound wealth. The animated Buffett teaches the group about business and how the world around them works, exploring concepts such as supply and demand, the importance of location, pursuing your dreams, understanding the best investment you can make is in yourself, and more.
Starting Saturday, kids can visit www.SMCKids.com, where the 26 weekly webisodes will be located. SMCKids.com will feature games, a Buffett Bucks rewards program, the “Ask Warren” feature which allows kids to interact directly with Buffett. and other activities.
AOL created and developed SMCKids.com in partnership with Area 17 and MGX.
A television series based on Secret Millionaire’s Club is in development.