Animaccord, the entertainment company and animated studio, has partnered with Sandbox Kids, a provider of digital subscription content services for children, to launch the series Masha and the Bear on streaming services Hopster, Curious World, PlayKids, and Kidomi. 

Related: BBC Studios Partners with Reality+ to Join The Sandbox Metaverse

The partnership will make Masha and the Bear content including core seasons one and two, along with the spinoffs Masha’s Spooky Stories and Masha’s Tales, available to children across a wide range of territories starting this month. The deal covers more than 75 countries in various regions including North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Guinea, and more.

About the author

Nadia Velit

Nadia Velit

Nadia Velit is the Senior Editor at Adventure Media & Events where she writes for The Toy Book, The Toy Insider, and The Pop Insider. As a trusted source for parents and gift-givers and a toy industry expert, Nadia focuses on all things toys and stays on top of all of the hottest trends. She loves to be outside with her chickens and is always ready for a game of giant Jenga or old-fashioned Twister. When she’s not playing with friends and family, you can find her curled up with a Sandra Brown mystery novel or obsessing over The New York Times Spelling Bee although truthfully she would rather be at Hogwarts. Nadia has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX, and more.
