French animation production company Dandelooo’s Stinky Dog, the kids’ animated series based on the French series of books, has found new distributors in China, Spain, and Denmark.
Chinese digital distribution and intellectual property (IP) management company Jesten Huashi, Spanish premium-service TV channel Canal Panda, and Danish public broadcaster DR TV will be welcoming the adventures of the French mutt and his best friend Flatty Cat to 6- to 10-year-olds internationally.
Stinky Dog follows the trash can-inhabiting hound on his adventures around Paris. Stinky Dog and his pals are outcasted by higher society, but enjoy their simple life and aspire to little more, getting by on sheer clumsiness and lack of thinking.
Dandelooo co-produces the series along with France Televisions, animation studio Folivari, Belgian production company Panique!, and Catalan animation studio Pikkulkala.
Jean Baptiste Wéry and Emmanuèle Petry, founders of Dandelooo, say, “We are thrilled that Stinky Dog has found a home in China, Spain, and Denmark after its exclusive worldwide premiere at MIP Junior last year. We very much look forward to introducing more young audiences to this charming and captivating series and to Stinky Dog and Flatty Cat’s hilarious escapades.”