“Augmented-Reality” Toys Premiere as Part of Fox Licensing’s Avatar Merchandise Campaign

To support the December 18th premiere of James Cameron’s movie Avatar, Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising is launching a vast merchandising campaign, introducing more than 125 products in the categories of video games, toys, apparel, and publishing.

Mattel, Inc. will release action figures, vehicles, and creatures based on the movie that use “augmented-reality.” Each product in the line will come with a 3-D web tag, called an i-TAG, which consumers can “scan” using a home computer’s webcam.  After the tag is scanned, special content, such as biographical information, additional images, and animated models of the figures, is revealed onscreen that is unique to the product. Animated 3-D models of the products will come alive when the i-TAG for deluxe figures is scanned by a webcam, and when two i-TAGS from a Battle Pack are scanned, the 3-D images will interact with each other.

Fox is also partnering with Ubisoft to release James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game, available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS, Sony PSP, and PC. Ubisoft will also release a limited edition version of the game for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii.

Other licenses include Sideshow Collectibles for a line of collectible statues, maquettes, life-size busts, and dioramas; and HarperCollins and Abrams for five new books.

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