In celebration of the upcoming theatrical release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 from Paramount Pictures, Sega of America is teaming up with Jakks Pacific, Inc. to unveil a new line of toys and costumes for spring this year.
“Jakks Pacific is proud to celebrate the release of the new feature film Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with an all-new line of memorabilia commemorating the Blue Blur’s next great adventure,” says Craig Drobis, senior vice president of marketing, Jakks Pacific. “With new waves of collectible action figures, cool new playsets, multiple sizes of plush toys, and an all-new radio-controlled Sonic Speed RC, there is something for every Sonic fan and collector.”
The toy line includes action figures of Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Dr. Robotnik and scalable figures adding a Buzz Bomber to the lineup. Plush toys will feature fan-favorite cuddly characters of Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic. The Sonic Speed RC set includes a ring-shaped controller and a removable Sonic figure to recreate the action from the movie. These products and more will be available just in time for Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s release on April 8.
Disguise — the costumes division of Jakks Pacific — will release a full range of costumes and accessories inspired by the film. Plush jumpsuits will be available from toddler to adult sizes so everyone can get into the Sonic the Hedgehog fun. The Sonic Accessory Kit will come with everything kids need to become the Blue Blur including a headpiece, quills, gloves, and red foam shoe covers with lightning bolts. Costumes and accessories will be available this fall.
“We’ve seen such a great response from fans to the Sonic the Hedgehog products created by Jakks Pacific,” says Alex Gomez, director of licensing and partnerships for Sonic the Hedgehog. “We hope that fans of the Blue Blur will see the collection as a testament of our appreciation and create memorable Sonic experiences with the products for years to come.”
Jakks Pacific recently revealed its best earnings in more than five years. The company says that its success was bolstered by the strength of licensed properties based on games, including Super Mario, Apex Legends, and Sonic the Hedgehog.