Spielwarenmesse eG is giving companies an opportunity to break into the Indian toy market with its Kids India fair. The event features a full collection of exhibitors within two halls, with toys featured including dolls, educational toys, electronics, and more. The fair was established in 2013 and has been going strong since as an opportunity for business-to-business networking. It’s jointly organized by Spielwarenmesse eG and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce.
Kids India paused its operation for two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic but returned in 2022 to welcome 5,476 trade visitors from 33 different countries. Christian Ulrich, Spokesperson of the Executive Board at Spielwarenmesse eG, has high hopes for this year’s event. “The response has been overwhelmingly positive and demand is already very high,” says Ulrich. “We are expecting exhibitor numbers to rise further compared with what was already a very successful event last year.”
According to Germany Trade & Invest, the Indian toy industry has the potential to grow in the coming year to 3 billion dollars. Currently, the Indian toy industry represents only 0.5% of the global industry size, which Kids India organizers say indicates room for growth.
In addition to exhibitors, the fair features seminars and interactive podium discussions, providing attendees the chance to converse directly with potential buyers. Kids India is open to exhibitor registration now on the official website. The event runs from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai.