Midas Well Entertainment, a family-owned company, is expanding its debut book, The Legend of Little Glow, into an animated webisode series and product line with coloring pages and further book installments. Written by R.C. McKenzie, the story follows Little Glow, an adventurous bear who doesn’t know what his special power is, and his friends teaming up to stop the Snorts from stealing the light of Glowberry Island. Key themes in the book are belief in oneself, teamwork, and perseverance, and the upcoming webisodes aim to expand on the world of Glowberry Island and teach kids important life lessons.
The company is fully operated by the Burgess family, led by CEO Robert Burgess Sr.. When describing the dynamics of Midas Well Entertainment, he says, “In 2019, my wife (Cynthia) and I and our two sons and daughter (Robert Jr, Jared and Candace) joined forces to take Midas Well to new heights. Cynthia brings knowledge on bringing products to market and marketing. Robert Jr studied Film and Video and is a talented screenwriter. Candace is a singer/songwriter and has a background in Project Management and Jared is the ultimate gamer and is also a talented writer. With everyone’s talents combined, Midas Well has all its bases covered – from TV to movies, from books to games and music, and from concept to market, each member of the family has their finger on the pulse of a creative avenue that Midas Well will pursue.”
For more information on where to purchase a copy of The Legend of Little Glow or The Glowberry Bears merchandise, visit the Glowberry Island site.