The world of Nickelodeon’s animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA) has enchanted fans for decades, even after it left the air. Smaller video games scratched the surface of the Avatar Legends universe, but Saber Interactive and Paramount Games Studios revealed plans to develop the first AAA video game of the franchise. In a unique co-funding venture, the two studios are determined to bring the epic adventures of ATLA into our realm. 

The new game, made for PC and consoles, will be an action-RPG that introduces fans to a new story within the Avatar world. Players will take on the role of the Avatar thousands of years before the original series. Although it is a new story in the Avatar Legends universe, the game will still include familiar elements fans love alongside new features to engage players in the expansive new version of Avatar. Players will be immersed in the vibrant world, master the power of the elements, defeat adversaries in combat, and face challenges to fulfill their destiny and bring balance to the world. The RPG gameplay will offer a new and engaging way for fans to connect to the rich story and epic world of the Avatar.

This is not the first co-funding collaboration Saber Interactive and Paramount Game Studios have developed together, and it doesn’t appear to be the last. The two companies have worked together for over a decade, starting with the hit video game series World War Z, which captured tens of millions of users with its combat and world-building. Both companies also collaborated on the highly anticipated A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead game, which will be released later this October. The developing ATLA game is the latest example of both companies’ dedication to continuing their long-term strategic partnership and bringing Paramount IP into the gaming world. 

The Avatar: The Last Airbender game does not have a release date set, but we will be waiting with our Sky Bison for the latest information.

About the author

Natalie Miller

Natalie Miller

Natalie is a News Writer for The Pop Insider, The Toy Insider, and The Toy Book. She is a Hufflepuff, a theme park enthusiast, and still holds the school record for the most Accelerated Reader points. If you're looking for her, she's probably at the nearest coffee shop, arguing over who the best Spider-Man is or trying to pet a stranger's dog.
