Sears.Kumar,SimhaThe Toy Book (TTB): How are you engaging consumers in-store to drive sales?

Simha Kumar (SK): Kmart is focused on offering the most-desired toys, affordably and conveniently. We feature top licensed toys and hundreds of Kmart exclusives—whether purchasing in-store, buying online and picking up in-store, or having them shipped directly home.

Our engagement approach has featured compelling, creative promotions and offers that resonate with our members and customers. Some recent holiday examples included leveraging our popular Fab 15 list of the season’s hottest toys and offering special incentives, such as free two-day shipping for six months via the Shop Your Way Max program with the online purchase of any Fab 15 toy. Members could also enter a Shop Your Way sweepstakes to win all 15 of the Fab 15 toys, and the annual Kmart holiday toy catalog carried a broad selection of on-trend toys for all ages and stages, and featured hundreds of deals and coupons via the online version.

TTB: How do you differentiate your toy department from the average retail toy department?

SK: Kmart features hundreds of exclusive toys, including the WWE 31-inch John Cena action figure, My Little Pony, Holiday Barbie, and more. In addition, we drive added value via our exclusive brands, such as Just Kidz. Our Shop Your Way program is another key point of differentiation. It’s free to join and members get access to special deals, early access to sales, and the ability to earn points and redeem them on future purchases.

We’ve also established Kmart as a leading integrated retailer, providing the right mix of toys available in store, online, and via mobile.

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Guest Auther

Guest Auther
