Spin Master Entertainment, creators of the hit preschool series PAW Patrol, will launch its 13th series next fall, titled Vida the Vet. The series follows 10-year-old Vida, a vet who cares for the injured woodland animals she finds outside her home. With the help of some friends, Vida will teach kids the importance of taking care of one another and helping those in need.
Toronto-based studio Jam Filled Entertainment will animate the series with a 2D-animation style. 52 11-minute episodes will be available on BBC’s CBeebies, also streaming on the BBC iPlayer platform in the UK, Corus Entertainment’s Treehouse, and streaming platform STACKTV in Canada. Following the release of the show, Master Entertainment plans to have a global franchise roll-out and licensed toys beginning in 2024.
Following the success of both the PAW Patrol series and movie, Vida the Vet is destined to capture and entertain preschool audiences once again.