The family game show Talk About, popular in the 1980s and 1990s, is planning a reboot and has secured Toyetic Brands as the licensing partner to execute it.
The exclusive worldwide licensing deal, which will result in an extensive party game line, featuring board and card games, and a mobile app game, was negotiated by Global Licensing Agent Genna Rosenberg from GennComm ImaGENNation. “We’re thrilled to reintroduce this timeless party game in collaboration with Toyetic Brands,” says Rosenberg. “The deep bench strength from both sides about game mechanics and how to create engaging and fun gaming experiences make this a truly powerhouse collaboration for Talk About.”
The deal also arrives in tandem with the announcement of a TV reboot of the word-based game show, with more details to come.
“Classic reboots resonate with consumers, and this dynamic communication game will bring fresh themes, exciting energy, and attract a whole new fanbase,” says Dan Rowen from Toyetic Brands. “It’s so much fun working with a legend like Mark Maxwell-Smith on the Talk About franchise, and hopefully more of his games in the future.”
Mark Maxwell-Smith, creator of Talk About, adds, “I know that Dan and the team at Toyetic Brands have the vision to adapt the gameplay for different audiences of today in fresh and exciting ways.”
The Talk About board game is expected to hit shelves in 2025.