Toys “R” Us to Add FAO Schwarz Boutiques in Stores

FAO Shop

Beginning November 1, more than 500 Toys “R” Us stores will premiere FAO Schwarz in-store boutiques, filled with the company’s selection of toys. The boutiques will be located in the front of the 585 nationwide stores, guarded by the famous FAO Schwarz toy soldier, and featuring toys at price points ranging from $2.99 to $64.99.

FAO Schwarz has also re-launched its e-commerce website, Online shoppers can access a virtual version of the Muppet Whatnot Workshop that is offered in its flagship store in New York City. In the workshop, customers can customize their own Muppet Whatnot puppet by choosing from a series of bodies, hairstyles, eyes, noses, and costumes.

FAO Schwarz will be sending out its holiday catalog to customers beginning November 10. To learn more FAO Schwarz and its holiday offerings, visit

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