Tsuburaya Productions is unveiling the Ultraman Card Game following the successful launch of Ultraman: Rising on Netflix last month.
The Ultraman Card Game is a trading card game featuring art from the new movie along with designs from Ultraman Tiga illustrator Hiroshi Maruyama and Ultraman production designer Masayuki Goto.
The initial launch will include two starter decks: Heroes of Hyper Space and The Bonds of Zero. Each starter deck will come with 50 cards, a playsheet, and a booster pack. In November, Guardians of Earth booster packs will come out with 12 randomized cards per pack, including a triple rare Ancient Monster Gomora card.
I am proud of the upcoming simultaneous release of the Ultraman Card Game in 15 countries and regions. Since its streaming release on Netflix on June 14, 'Ultraman: Rising' was in the Top 10 for 69 countries and regions in the second week since the launch, showing the global appeal of the Ultraman Series. The Ultraman Card Game also aims to be enjoyed by many fans around the world.
“The release of the Ultraman Card Game by Tsuburaya Productions in the U.S. market is well timed, as the Ultraman fan base in the U.S. continues to grow due in part to the tremendous success of Netflix’s Ultraman: Rising, the announcement of the Ultraman x Avengers crossover Marvel Comics series, and the English simuldub release on July 6 of the next live-action Ultraman series, Ultraman Arc,” says Danny Simon, President of Tsuburaya Fields Media.
Ultraman fans in the U.S. will be able to test out the game at Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC) at Tsuburaya Productions’ booth (No. 3729). The Ultraman Card Game will officially launch on Oct. 25 in four languages, including Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.