C08930620_630509586127_detail_17-300x295Hasbro and TOMY co-created a Transformers Masterpiece Movie Series, a line of figures based on Michael Bay’s series of Transformers films. The line was unveiled at the Beijing and Guangzhou Midnight Sales Event and commemorates the 10th anniversary of Michael Bay’s Transformers movies.

The first figure for release will be the Optimus Prime MPM-4 Figure, designed after the character’s appearance in the 2007 film, Transformers. It can transform from truck to robot and comes with a variety of battle accessories.

The fifth installment of the franchise, Transformers: The Last Knight, premieres this summer.

About the author

Carlos Cadorniga

Carlos Cadorniga

Carlos Cadorniga is an editorial intern at Adventure Publishing Group and a recent journalism graduate from Stony Brook University. He crafts weekly toy reviews for The Toy Insider and contributes to the Toy Book trade magazine. His hobbies include watching cartoons, singing, playing video games, creative writing, and bragging about his trip to Japan. His favorite color is pink and he will not let you forget it, and his favorite sport is seeing how many episodes of The Office he can rewatch on Netflix in one sitting.
