Real estate is hot this year and one of the hottest properties just hit the market.
MGA Entertainment (MGAE) officially launched The LOL OMG House of Surprises, the sprawling, 4-level, 10-room estate that will be at the top of L.O.L. Surprise! fans’ minds this fall. The dollhouse features an urban vibe and comes with 85 surprises for kids to discover.
“The L.O.L. Surprise! House of Surprises is unlike any dollhouse we have done before,” says MGAE Founder and CEO Isaac Larian. “With real wood finishes, an 80’s aesthetic, and spinning rooms that allow for all to gather and play, this house inspires all the fun that L.O.L. fans have come to love. Be sure to shop early this year, as this house is sure to be on the top of everyone’s wish list.”
The retro-style House of Surprises is a glam local for kids’ L.O.L. Surprise! dolls to live and play. Features include a working elevator; a pool that can be filled with water; a spiral slide; a firepit with interactive lights; a loft bed that transforms into two smaller beds; a drive-thru diner with booths; a breakfast bar; arcade room; rooftop patio; and more.
Kids can also use a smartphone to power the included drive-in theater, just in time for the new L.O.L. Surprise! movie that’s slated for release on Netflix in October.
The LOL OMG House of Surprises is available at major retailers and will be supported by the L.O.L. Surprise! House of Surprises animated series, debuting on YouTube on Oct. 28.
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