Amazon Publishing introduces Amazon Crossing Kids, a new imprint for children’s picture books in translation.
Building on the work of Amazon Crossing, the largest publisher of translated fiction in the U.S., and Amazon Publishing’s Two Lions imprint, a children’s book publisher, Amazon Crossing Kids aims to increase the diversity of children’s picture books in translation to encourage young reading from a range of cultural perspectives.
Amazon Crossing Kids launches with three picture books, Spiky (Italy), written and illustrated by Ilaria Guarducci and translated by Laura Watkinson, A Tiger Like Me (Germany), written by Michael Engler, illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias and translated by Laura Watkinson, and Along the Tapajós (Brazil, written and illustrated by Fernando Vilela and translated by Daniel Hahn.
Two Lions Editorial Director Kelsey Skea will also serve as editorial director of Amazon Crossing Kids, working in collaboration with Two Lions Editor Marilyn Brigham and Amazon Crossing Editorial Director Gabriella Page-Fort, to acquire a diverse list of storytellers, illustrators, and translators from across the globe.
Both Amazon Crossing and Amazon Crossing Kids accept book proposals from any language for translation into English at