At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas today, Tastemakers LLC revealed the first details on its follow-up to last year’s Arcade1Up retro video game cabinets. As expected, the company secured new licenses and titles, with five new cabinets announced—the first of which will arrive at retail as early as February. Additionally, Wall-cades and Counter-cades will offer retro gaming enthusiasts some new ways to play in locations where space is at a premium.
New Retro Video Game Cabinets for 2019 include:
- Final Fight Cabinet (February): Final Fight, 1944, Ghosts ‘N Goblins, Strider
- Space Invaders Cabinet (February): Space Invaders Color, Space Invaders Black and White
- Golden Tee Cabinet (June): GT Classic ’01, Golden Tee ‘2k, Golden Tee ’99, Golden Tee ’98
- Mortal Kombat Cabinet (September): Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3
- Karate Champ Cabinet (September): Karate Champ, Bad Dudes, Burger Time, Caveman Ninja
- These retro gaming systems are portable and designed to be hung on a wall or door, with authentic gameplay in a showpiece form.
- Ideal to place on a desk or tabletop to display and play, players who desire a sizable collection will save space.
Arcade1Up will unveil the Wall-cades and Counter-cades with a full gaming experience at the ShowStoppers booth E-15 and E-17 and at CES booth #21454 located in the south hall.
More titles for fall will be announced at E3 in June.