In cities across the country, many are taking to their porches, windows, balconies, and rooftops every evening to shine a light and make some noise for the doctors, nurses, EMTs, and other healthcare providers and first responders that are on the frontlines fighting the spread of COVID-19.
With that in mind, CreateOn rapidly developed two new “Healthcare Heroes” Luminary Magna-Tiles sets that are specifically designed to encourage play while honoring those who are battling the coronavirus. CreateOn will donate 20% of all proceeds from the Luminary Magna-Tiles to the Global Empowerment Mission’s (GEM) BStrong efforts to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare providers across the country. BStrong was launched in 2017 by Bethenny Frankel as an ongoing disaster relief operation.
“Several of our team members have family working on the frontlines of the global health crisis,” says Steve Rosen, co-founder of CreateOn. “We were lighting our luminary outside recently when we realized that CreateOn had everything needed to develop this incredibly engaging way for families to come together in a play experience that also supports our healthcare heroes.”
The Healthcare Heroes Luminary Magna-Tiles collection includes colored tiles with artwork resembling stained-glass windows adorned with recognizable medical symbols and words of thanks. The sets can be illuminated with the use of a puck light accessory available exclusively through CreateOn.