One of India’s most popular animated kids’ shows is heading to Disney+ Hotstar.

The streaming platform commissioned 234 episodes of Cosmos-Maya‘s animated seriesĀ Selfie with Bajrangi. The multiseason deal is for three seasons of 78 11-minute episodes for Disney+ Hotstar, which has 400 million viewers, 8 million paying subscribers, and additional library content from Disney+.

Selfie with BajrangiĀ airs daily on primetime slots of India’s Disney Channel and Disney Hungama. It is also the first Indian animated kids’ series to be featured on Star Plus, a general entertainment channel. The show’s launch on Disney+ HotstarĀ will coincide with the launch of Disney+ in India.

ā€œBajrangi has brought together Disney+ Hotstar and Cosmos-Maya for a multi-season contract and we couldnā€™t be more excited,” says Anish Mehta, CEO of Cosmos-Maya. “An unheard of 234 half-hours of the show spread across three seasons will be aired on Disney+ Hotstar, with season 2 already live on the platform. This is the first highly popular kidsā€™ domestic series that they have onboarded with a two-year vision to further increase its popularity.Ā Selfie With BajrangiĀ has the ability to speak to audiences with its novel, yet relatable storytelling. It brings to the fore a very important message: that friendships built in the face of adversity last a lifetime.ā€

Selfie With BajrangiĀ is modeled on kidsā€™ day-to-day lives and captures the nuances of Indian culture with relatable storylines. In the show, the protagonist Ankush’s life changes when he meets Bajrangi, the nine-year-old child version of the Indian God Hanuman in a contemporary setting, who no one but Ankush can see. Bajrangi accompanies Ankush everywhere and helps his buddy with his day to day problems.

About the author

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik

Maddie Michalik was the Editor-in-Chief of The Toy Book from 2020-2022. She was also a Senior Editor at The Toy Insider and The Pop Insider.
