Source: Educational Insights/Toy Book

Educational Insights is introducing three new packs of face masks for kids ages 3 and up. The packs each have three designs and are made out of double-layered, breathable cotton and stretchy elastic that shouldn’t pull on ears.

Kids can choose the Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Edition; the version with a Dinsosaur, Tiger, and Shark; or the Puppy, Kitty, and Fox variety. Each mask comes in just one size — 5 inches by 4.5 inches — that fits well on kids’ faces. They aren’t a substitute for medical-grade masks but are based on the CDC’s recommendations. Reusable masks when washed correctly serve as a sustainable alternative to one-use masks.

Source: Educational Insights/Toy Book

Each set comes with an activity guide to help kids better adjust to the new normal and to encourage properly wearing masks. Parents can find all three designs on Amazon.

About the author

Nicole Savas

Nicole Savas

As a kid, Nicole either wanted to be a professional toy player-wither or a writer. Somehow, as social media editor for The Toy Insider, The Toy Book, and The Pop Insider, she’s found a career as both. She's grateful to work somewhere that she can fully embrace both her love of teddy bears and her admiration for the Oxford comma. When she's not playing with toys at work, she's playing with her baby girl at home.
