Entertainment One has released The Adventures Of Scooter The Penguin, a new CG family-friendly DVD. The animated film tells the story of Scooter, a little bird from a lost colony of penguins known for their speed and strength. Scooter was abandoned before he hatched and was taken by a family of silver penguins who encourage his talents. Still, the little bird feels like he doesn’t belong. As his adventures unfold, Scooter learns lessons of love and self-worth and returns to save the day at his village.
eOne has also released Trooper and The Legend of The Golden Key. Trooper is a Bloodhound that lives in a town with a mysterious legend about a golden key that could be worth $1 million. The film follows Trooper and his owner, 10-year-old Tommy, as they set out to find the key and run into unexpected danger.