Entertainment One Family launched a line of new Peppa Pig toys based on the hit animated television series, Peppa Pig. Manufactured by Fisher-Price, the new playsets, play figures, and plush dolls will be available exclusively in Toys “R” Us stores nationwide beginning this August. Sound effects, surprise features, and signature graphics provide children with a multidimensional play experience. The new toys are designed for children age 3 and up.
Playsets include Peek ‘n Surprise Playhouse, Peppa’s Schoolhouse/Treehouse Assortment, Picnic Adventure Car, and Sip ‘n Oink Tea Set. The play figures include figures of Peppa and her friends and family. The plush dolls include Hug ‘n Oink Peppa and assorted plush dolls of Peppa and her friends.
This post was originally written by Ali Mierzejewski and published by ToyBook.com. For more news, visit www.toybook.com, follow The Toy Book on Twitter, and like The Toy Book on Facebook. The Toy Book is a bimonthly trade magazine covering the toy industry, published by Adventure Publishing Group.