Grumpy Cat, the famously pessimistic, yet hilarious Internet sensation with over 1 million Facebook fans, has signed new deals for branded toys.
Gund, a division of Enesco LLC in the U.S., has acquired worldwide licensing rights to manufacture and distribute Grumpy Cat plush. Gund’s Grumpy Cat was launched in July and is currently being sold to all upstairs channels and specialty markets. The plush recreates the title feline’s famous frowning face. Delivery to stores will begin November 1.
Meanwhile, TCG and Ganz of Canada were also granted worldwide licensing rights to manufacture, distribute, and market a line of consumer products for Grumpy Cat and her brother Pokey. TCG will create puzzles and novelty plush toys for the mass market, and Ganz will produce gift items and plush. TCG and Ganz products are expected to hit retail shelves in December.