Source: Pixabay

by Harold Chizick, CEO, ChizComm and Beacon Media

When developing campaigns, many companies approach their process from a granular level without due consideration of the broader strategy to deliver the brand message. Rather than thinking of marketing as a symphony of activations to drive consumer awareness, engagement, and sales, they rely on a strategy of hope focusing on a singular and budget-friendly tactic. The reality is that this will not work in today’s world of fragmented consumer touch points. At ChizComm, we build consumer-focused strategies that leverage this symphony of tactics to deliver the punch that we refer to as “The Fist of Marketing.”

Source: ChizComm

When you consider a fist and the power behind it, you begin to realize the potential to deliver a mighty message, and how a fist certainly outweighs the result of a one-finger tactic. Implementing a full “fist” of marketing tools — which includes TV, PR, digital, social, community engagement, influencer relations, and their combined strength — creates a powerful marketing punch that will deliver engaging communication and continued brand loyalty.

Understanding your consumer is the path to uncovering the combination of tactics that will apply the greatest force to deliver your brand message. Further segmenting your consumer base will deepen your understanding and allow for even greater “fist” strength. Consumer touch points with your brand, determined by your consumer’s lifestyle and preferences, provide opportunities for brand connection and interaction before purchase (ie. social media, word of mouth, community involvement), during purchase (ie. website, in-store, sales team), and after purchase (ie. usage, support team, marketing emails). Identifying these touch points will guide your “fist” to deliver the brand message with the right tactic at the right time to achieve successful recruitment and retention.  

With no silver bullet to achieve all goals, any company or marketing professional that wants to hang their hat on one single activation is leading their brand down an unsuccessful road. Sure, there are great stories from brands who have achieved amazing results that highlight an activation they have done on TikTok, or an innovative PR campaign that achieved outstanding results. Dollars to donuts, I can guarantee you that all those campaigns were only one single tactic of an overarching strategy, all of which collectively fed into the brand’s success. You can be assured that a brilliant TikTok partnership campaign to market a brand was not an isolated tactic that delivered results. It was just one finger of the marketing fist that included traditional PR, digital strategies, social media, paid media, and TV campaigns.

That holistically consumer-driven approach to powerful messaging is “The Fist of Marketing.” We believe that raising a finger is important when you have a question, but if you want results you need to take five fingers, wrap them up and deliver PR, digital, social, TV, and influencer to deploy the powerful messages and communications that drive the needle and deliver sales. 

About the author

Harold Chizick

Harold Chizick

Harold Chizick is the CEO of ChizComm and Beacon Media Group. ChizComm Ltd. is a full-service marketing and communications agency, specializing in the strategy and execution of public relations, digital marketing, social media, and creative services. Beacon Media Group is the largest planner and buyer of kids’ TV media in North America. ChizComm and Beacon Media Group hold the safety and reputation of their clients above all else. Protecting brands from the vulnerability of an ever-changing marketplace with relevant multilayered strategy and strong partnerships will ensure best-in-class digital campaigns.
