The stories and lore from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance expands off-screen in a new range of books and comics.
Based on the Netflix fantasy adventure series from The Jim Henson Co., the new titles from Penguin Random House, Insight Editions, and Boom! Studios delve deep into the world of Thra, the magical realm that audiences first experienced in The Dark Crystal (1982).
Penguin Random House leads the charge with a trio of books from J.M. Lee, staff writer on The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Lee, who holds a degree in linguistics, created the Podling language featured in the Netflix original series and penned a four-book prequel series as a direct tie-in to the show. Lee entered the world of The Dark Crystal as the winner of The Dark Crystal Author Quest, a writing contest presented by Penguin and The Jim Henson Co. Lee’s newest titles include Heroes of the Resistance: A Guide to the Characters of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Aughra’s Wisdom of Thra, and Flames of the Dark Crystal.
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From Insight Editions comes The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: Inside the Epic Return to Thra, a behind-the-scenes book written by Daniel Wallace. It also features a foreword written by executive producer Lisa Henson. The book looks at the creative process behind the new series, and how character and costume designer Brian Froud and director Louis Leterrier brought the world to life with the artists and puppeteers of The Jim Henson Creature Shop.
Finally, Boom! Studios is releasing Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, a 12-issue official prequel comic book series. The comics are available at local comic book shops or the BOOM! Studios web store with digital copies available for purchase on comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and Madefire.