The LEGO Group and the LEGO Foundation have entered the fight against the residual fallout from the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19.
The LEGO Foundation has pledged a $50 million donation that will be split between three groups of partners, each with a specific goal. The groups are: Education Cannot Wait, which provides education for kids caught in emergencies and protracted crises; a selection of existing LEGO Foundation partners whose work is already under stress from COVID-19; and charity partners serving communities where the LEGO Group has a significant presence.
The second effort stems from UNESCO estimates that more than 87% of the world’s student population — more than 1.5 billion kids — are out of school right now. LEGO creatives, along with experts in the fields of STEM and play have assembled new resources culled from the LEGO archives. The #LetsBuildTogether initiative presents a central hub for content including retro builds, daily challenges, and live build-a-longs.
Additional content will be shared across LEGO social channels in the days and weeks ahead.
The Toy Book continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the toy industry in a special content hub. For a list of companies stepping up to do good in challenging times, click here.