North Star Games introduces dude, a new game now available exclusively at Target and The game dude celebrates the versatility of a word that can be a question (dude?), an exclamation (dude!), an objection (DUDE), an expression of wonder (dooode), and many other things.
To play dude, each player has a set of cards that shows the word “dude” in six different ways. Everyone sits around the table saying “dude” in these different ways, all at once. Players try to match with someone who they think is saying “dude” in the same way he or she are.
North Star Games is also simultaneously releasing a second game called more dude. Similar to dude, more dude also consists of saying the word “dude” over and over again, but this time players must say it as a robot, a surfer, or any other number of crazy characters shown on the cards.