Scrap Plastic Toys Needed for Plastics-To-Energy Pilot Project

Courtesy of Toy Industry Association

The Toy Industry Association’s (TIA) Environmental Sustainability Committee has approved TIA’s participation in a plastics-to-energy pilot project with Agilyx, an alternative energy company that uses patented technology to convert difficult-to-recycle waste plastics into synthetic crude oil.

TIA is looking for 2,500 pounds of plastic toys of mixed types (including defective or scrap products or components). These plastics must be submitted by mid-January.

The Agilyx process is an environmentally preferable alternative to landfill disposal or incineration. Through this process, the product is shredded and undergoes a high-temperature hydrolysis/fractionation process, resulting in an end product much like synthetic crude oil. The crude oil can be used to synthesize new plastics or other petrochemicals; it recovers a portion of the carbon and energy content of the plastic.

Companies wishing to learn more or to donate defective plastic toys or scrap plastics to the pilot project may contact Alan Kaufman at  (646) 520-4868 or

About the author

Sierra McCleary-Harris

Sierra McCleary-Harris

Sierra McCleary-Harris is a senior editor at Adventure Publishing Group, editing and producing content for the Toy Insider, the Toy Book, and the Pop Insider. If she's not at her desk, you can find her somewhere doing a puzzle, losing it over the latest arts and crafts, or hanging out with her kitties Hazelnutz & Pepper Ann.
