Geronimo Stilton Animated Series Coming to U.S.

GeronimoStilton imageInternationally successful animated kids series, Geronimo Stilton, based on books of the same name, hits U.S. retail shelves on September 24. Co-producers Atlantyca Entertainment and Moonscoop  partnered with Entertainment One for the premiere DVD debut in the U.S.

Geronimo Stilton features the adventures of the famous Geronimo Stilton, a brilliant, bookish mouse and media empire mogul who would prefer to spend his days reading and playing chess with his very bright 12-year-old nephew, Benjamin.

Adventure always comes knocking at Geronimo’s door, and Geronimo and his pals are ready. Geronimo Stilton the animated series has proved itself popular with children across various countries worldwide.


About the author

Lindsay Gordon

Lindsay Gordon
