Report: 31 Percent of Kids Obtained Both Physical and Digital Content

According to Kids and Entertainment Content, a recent report from The NPD Group, 79 percent of kids ages 2-14 acquired some form of physical or digital content in the past year, with 31 percent acquiring both physical and digital content. In terms of money, $0.85 of every content dollar spent by kids went to physical items, while $0.15 went to digital.

According to the report, video rental services and online music services were the top content-based household services or subscriptions used by kids ages 2-14 in the past year. Nineteen percent of kids used an in-store video rental service, 12 percent used an online video rental service, and 14 percent used an online music service. Paid subscriptions to online video game rental services and online gaming websites ranked towards the bottom.

The report also stated that the average age at which kids make their first digital download is 7 years old, and 41 percent of kids who own digital content said music was the first type they downloaded (game downloads followed behind with 38 percent). The report focuses on kids’ ages 2-14 consumption of entertainment content including video and PC games, music, movies, TV shows, cell phone tones, and music videos.

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Guest Auther

Guest Auther
