In 1984, a young girl named Wisp was transported to a dark, colorless world where she was tasked with setting the light and color free. Wisp, who magically transformed into Rainbow Brite, then began to protect Rainbowland with the help of her colorful friends. Forty years later, Rainbow Brite remains a vibrant part of ‘80s kids’ hearts and is catching the eyes of younger generations.
“Rainbow Brite has been inspiring imaginations with her adventures and sincere messages of courage, kindness, and optimism for decades,” says Stacey Howe, Vice President of Global Licensing & Business Development, Hallmark.
Hallmark launched the Rainbow Brite brand with a 13-episode animated series, which was followed by a feature film, Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer, released by Warner Bros. in 1985, and two live-action specials released on VHS. Regardless of format, Rainbow Brite always worked together with her friends to fight gloom and keep the world colorful.
Of course, the toy aisle also became more “brite.” The master license for the brand has changed hands throughout the years, but it launched with Mattel. The company behind Barbie and He-Man released several different toys, but some of the more sought-after were soft dolls based on the characters. More recently, Playmates Toys held the license for the 25th anniversary in 2009, releasing dolls with a slightly updated look.
Now, The Loyal Subjects has been tapped for the 40th-anniversary celebration and already has a slew of products available at retail.
“We have the multi-colored megaphone turned up, ready to shout to the mountain tops!” says Jonathan Cathey, The Loyal Subjects’ CEO. Last fall, the company released a variety of dolls and collectible figures and plans to launch more in the coming months.
“The recipe for success is to tell the story faithfully, which we are doing,” exclaims Cathey.
The Loyal Subjects is focused on creating items both original fans and newcomers to the brand will love. Products include classic dolls styled like the originals with yarn-like hair and plush friends such as Starlite and Twink. Kids looking for a fashion doll with modern trends will find one with threaded hair, 29 points of articulation, mystery accessories, and a full outfit swap. This holiday season, consumers can expect a talking Rainbow Brite doll that lights up and features multiple phrases.
“We want to honor the nostalgia and love that original fans still have for the brand,” Howe says, “while at the same time introducing a new generation to Rainbow Brite. Many of the original fans are now parents and can create a shared experience [with] their kids.”
Beyond the toys, Howe shares that apparel, accessories, and more will also be available this year to celebrate the big anniversary. Families can also expect to see Rainbow Brite at some of the biggest fan gatherings across North America.
“Moonglow anyone?” hints Cathey on The Loyal Subjects’ plans for Comic-Con International: San Diego (SDCC). The company will start the celebratory events in March with a roller rink party.
When Rainbow Brite transformed Rainbowland, she transformed a little of our world as well. The timeless messages of the brand will continue to keep fans’ lives — and the toy department — a radiant place to be for the next 40 years and beyond.
“… in today’s complex world, we need to be reminded of all of these magical themes which bind us together. [Rainbow Brite is] focused on love, positivity, and the magnificent beauty that this world, this life has to offer,” says Cathey. “The Rainbow Brite cast and ensemble are the choruses for these themes. And that IS the reason it’s still popular today. It’s an undeniable ‘heartbeat and hug’ which invites the greatest part of all of our hearts to come out and play.”
This article was originally published in the February 2024 edition of The BIG Toy Book. Click here to read the full issue! Want to receive The Toy Book in print? Click here for subscription options!