The world of Ben 10 is expanding. Cartoon Network issued a greenlight for a fourth season of the popular series in which Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max will venture to some of the world’s most popular destinations including Italy, Japan, and Mexico. The series is currently in its third season, with new episodes rolling out globally over the next few months.
The new episodes feature new aliens, vehicles, and villains, including a new character named Kevin 11, who serves as Ben’s 11-year-old nemesis. Kevin 11 developed the Anti-trix, a custom version of Ben’s Omnitrix which he can activate to produce alternative versions of Ben’s heroic aliens. Fans can also join Ben on expeditions around the world as he and his family board the new Omni-Copter to fly overseas to Asia, Europe and South America.
In season four, expected to premiere globally in 2020, Ben will discover a special key that upgrades his beloved Omnitrix to add “Omni-Kix” armor enhancements to his aliens so he can power up during the action.
Playmates Toys remains master toy partner, with new offerings expected to debut at New York Toy Fair next month.