New Light-Up Construction Sets

Have you seen these new light-up construction sets that are set to hit the market?

The Laser Pegs 3D Lite Board (above), featuring 40 holes that conduct low voltage power, acts as a building platform for the pegs. Kids can create an abstract model and set the board to flash faster, as a strobe, or it can be set to off. The board can support up to 200 Laser Pegs and its base also serves as a storage compartment for all the pieces. The board can also be used to play five different board games.

Laser Pegs products combine building with LED-supplied light. Each Laser Peg shape can transfer a low voltage current to any other shape it is connected to. The platform can be run on batteries or with an AC supply.

Also new is Kids Only’s (a division of Jakks Pacific) Block Builders Illuminations – Illuma. The plastic building surface has multi-colored LED light effects with power grid buttons that control which sections light up. The set comes with 50 transparent building blocks. Already-purchased building blocks can be used with the surface, although only the transparent building blocks will light up.

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