Star Wars’ Grogu and The Mandalorian ride into adventure | Source: Disney+

The force is strong at PlayMonster today.

The Wisconsin-based toy company is collaborating with Lucasfilm to launch new Star Wars-themed products in 2022. In its first drop, PlayMonster will release toys and activities infused with iconic characters from a galaxy far, far away that include Koosh, Spirograph, Colorforms, and Latchkits.

Fans can look forward to Koosh Star Wars-inspired character balls, featuring The Mandalorian, Grogu, Darth Vader, and others. Latchkits will have a Grogu themed hook-and-loop craft kit that weaves together a cuddly Baby Yoda-inspired plush. Spirograph Star Wars: The Mandalorian transforms the classic spinning art kit into a custom The Mandalorian design set. Lastly, the Colorforms Galactic Adventures Sticker Playset explores a new galaxy with characters from the Star Wars saga.

Related: PlayMonster Celebrates One Million Copies of Relative Insanity Sold

The PlayMonster x Lucasfilm collaboration will reach Earth next year.

About the author

Hannah Sacks

Hannah Sacks

Hannah Sacks was an editorial assistant at The Toy Insider, The Pop Insider, and The Toy Book. An avid reader, her first love is late Victorian literature paired with a huge plate of dumplings. When she’s not reading, she loves to attend concerts, cook elaborate dinners, and snuggle up with her two cats, Oscar and Percy.
