toysrusToys “R” Us Inc. will bring its U.S. e-commerce operations in-house, including building and managing a new platform for,, and The company expects to launch its own online platform by the end of next summer.

“As part of our TRU Transformation strategy, one of our most important priorities is to optimize our e-commerce business and significantly improve the customer experience online. To accomplish this, we believe it is in our best interest to manage and control all aspects of our e-commerce platform as we move forward,” says Fred Argir, senior vice president, chief digital officer, Toys “R” Us Inc. “We expect this will provide us with the flexibility needed to grow and expand in an omnichannel world, while allowing us to rapidly respond to changing customer dynamics and an ever competitive marketplace.”

Toys “R” Us Inc. will continue to work with its current e-commerce platform provider to ensure optimal operations for the existing websites, while facilitating a seamless transition to the new platform over the course of the next year.

About the author

Phil Guie

Phil Guie

Phil Guie is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. He writes and edits articles for The Toy Book and The Licensing Book. Phil also serves as lead editor for The Toy Book Blog and The Toy Report newsletter, and manages social media for The Toy Book. But of course, Phil’s pride and joy are his weekly reviews for The Toy Insider, in which he writes about video games, movies, and other cool things. His hobbies include comics, baking, fidgeting, and traveling to off-the-beaten places and making new friends.
