Party City

Party City Holdco Inc. will expand its temporary store offerings through the expected piloting of approximately 50 new Toy City pop-up stores. The temporary Toy City sites will launch alongside its Halloween City pop-up stores in a variety of locations nationwide. The sites were selected based on optimal location and leasing opportunities.

By co-locating the Toy City pop-ups alongside Halloween City locations, the company will create a concurrent seasonal and toy destination, with an integrated shopping and checkout experience. The Toy City pop-up stores will open in September in conjunction with the Party City’s Halloween City openings, and operate through the holiday season.

Party City will also test an expansion of its online assortment of toy offerings, providing a broader range of toy products to choose from.

This news follows the December 2017 appointment of Jamie Uitdenhowen, previously vice president, general manager, Toys “R” Us Business as chief merchandising officer at Party City.

About the author

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo

Stephanie Grassullo is an associate editor at Adventure Publishing Group. In addition to handling toy and licensing news and updates for The Toy Book and The Licensing Book, Stephanie also writes toy reviews and commentaries for the Toy Insider. When she’s not binge-watching old episodes of Gossip Girl, Stephanie is always game for Boggle tournaments—she’s the titleholder Boggle champion in her family, and proud of it! Stephanie firmly believes that there is no awkward moment that can’t be remedied with the help of Bop It. To get to know her better, follow her on Twitter @steph_grass.
