Genius of Play PSA

The Genius of Play, a nonprofit that raises awareness of the role of play in child development, launched a new PSA today. Titled “Prescription for Play,” the PSA focuses on the negative effects of over-scheduling and play deprivation.

This PSA is one element of the nonprofit’s upcoming “Play All May,” a month-long celebration of play from May 1 to 31.

The 60-second video includes information about the importance of play and the role it plays in helping kids manage their emotions and stress.

There are also shorter versions of the PSA, all featuring the same young boy who desperately needs a break from his routine activities to play and have fun.

According to the Genius of Play, the actual time children spend playing “continues to decrease due to overly packed schedules, increased focus on academics, concerns about the safety of outdoor play, and competition from screens.” The American Academy of Pediatrics now encourages doctors to write kids “prescriptions for play,” which is a concept featured in the PSA.

For more information about The Genius of Play, visit

About the author

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley

Madeleine Buckley was a Senior Editor at The Pop Insider, The Toy Insider, and The Toy Book. She covered all things toys and fandom, and has appeared on Cheddar and a variety of regional news networks to talk about the latest trends in both. She is a movie score enthusiast, mediocre knitter, proud Syracuse alumna, and Marvel lover. You can usually find her at the movies or hanging out at home with her super-pup, Parker.
