The WorryWoo Monsters Add New Books and Plush Dolls to Collection

The WorryWoo Monsters are adding new hardcover books and plush dolls to their collection. This series is meant to give children uplifting messages and allow for an open dialogue between parents and their children about subjects that don’t have easy answers.

Beginning in October, kids can enjoy reading The Very Frustrated Monster, a story about a monster called Twitch that allows frustration to get the best of him all the time. Twitch will also be available in an 11-inch plush bear with a purple body, wings, and twisty thorns. This toy is recommended for children ages 3 and up.

Don’t Feed the WorryBug is a book that talks about Wince, the Monster of Worry. Wince tries to keep his worries under control but is always tempted by another character, The WorryBug. Wince is available in an 11-inch doll with silky ears, a tail, and wings. Wince’s nemesis, The WorryBug, is also a new addition to the WorryWoo Monsters collection. This six-inch plush doll loves to worry all the time and was designed for all ages. The more a child worries, the more this monster will eat.

About the author

Cynthia Ghazali

Cynthia Ghazali
